With user edition out the door last week, this week was spent stabilizing unstable!
Spent some time sorting out our Calamares installer being quite grumpy which is now fixed by reverting an upstream change. Unstable and developer ISO rebuilt and installable. Spent some time sorting out some issues with using an unreleased appstream ( thanks ximion for help with packagekit! ) KDE applications are starting to switch to Qt6 in master this week, the big one being KDE PIM! This entails an enormous amount of work re-packaging. I have made a dent, sorta. To be continued next week. I fixed our signond / kaccounts line for qt6 which entailed some work on upstream code that uses QStringList.toSet which was removed in Qt6! Always learning new things!
I have spent some time working on the KF6 content snap, working with Jarred to make sure his qt6 content snap will work for us. Unfortunately, I do not have much time for this as I must make money to survive, donations help free up time for this 🙂 Our new proposal with Kevin’s super awesome management company has been submitted and we will hopefully hear back next week.
I had to make the hard decision to put snaps on hold. I am working odd jobs to “stay alive” and to pay for my beautiful scenery. My “Project” should move forward, as I have done everything asked of me including finding a super awesome management team to take us all the way through. But until it is signed sealed and delivered, I have to survive. In my free time I am helping out Jonathan and working on KDE Neon, he has done so much for me over the years, it is the least I can do!
So without further ado! Carlos and I have been working diligently on new Frameworks 5.110, Plasma 5.27.8, and Applications 23.08.1! They are complete and ready in /user! With that, a great many fixes to qml dependencies and packaging updates. Current users can update freely and the docker images and ISO are building now. We are working on Unstable… as it is a bit unstable right now, but improving 🙂
On the Debian front I am wrapping up packaging of new upstream release of squashfuse.
Another busy week in the KDE snap world. Most of the release-service apps are in –candidate channel waiting to be tested. Testing is the bottle neck in the process, so I am trying something new and calling for help! Please test your favorite apps and report on https://discuss.kde.org/t/all-things-snaps-questions-concerns-praise/ any issues and which apps tested. Thanks!
There are some very big fixes in this release:
Desktop file defined so xdg-desktop-portals will now work.
Print support in many apps where it made sense. Please let me know if I missed one.
The KF6 content pack is coming along nicely using qt-framework-sdk snap!
Qt5 content snap using KDE patch set is nearly complete!
I believe I have a solution for our PIM applications by creating an Akondai dbus provider snap and setting all the PIM applications as consumers. I am waiting for manual review to pass.
I have a pile of new applications waiting for reserved name approvals. Igor has pinged the relevant people to speed this normally quick process up.
The pushback on per repository snapcraft files has stopped, so I have begun the process, which will take some time. This is a huge step in automating snap builds and cutting down my manual work so I can do more exciting things like plasma snaps!
Some big news on my project, a big thank you goes out to Kevin Ottens for reaching out, his company does exactly what I need to move it forward. I will update as we hash out the details, but it looks like my project isn’t dead after all!
I know many have asked “Why haven’t you given up already??” The answer in short, I am stubborn. I refuse to give up on anything until I am given a good reason to. When I started my path in computers oh so many years ago, you would be surprised how many people told me to give it up, you’ll never make it as a woman. Challenge accepted. Here I am, still going strong. When I want something, I go get it, no matter what it takes!
I still need to have a ( somewhat desperate ) call for donations. This will hopefully end soon, but for now, please consider donating to my September survival fund! Please share with anyone you that may find my work useful in any way. Thanks for your consideration 🙂
PS: Debian uploads for bubble-gum are moving along. Please if you have any packaging you need done in Debian proper, let me know and I will get on it, time allowing of course.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: I am still looking for a super awesome team lead for a super amazing project involving KDE and Snaps. Time is running out and well the KDE world will be a better a better place if this project goes through! I would like to clarify, this is a paid position! A current KDE developer would be ideal as it is a small team so your time will be split managing and coding alike. If you or anyone you know might be interested please contact me ASAP!
Lots of news on the snap front 23.04.3 is now complete with new snaps! I know, just in time for 23.08.0. I have fixed some major issues in this release, 23.08 should go much quicker. Even quicker if my per repo snapcraft files gets approved!
We have more PIM snaps, however I am waiting for reserved name approvals from the snap store.
I was approached to decouple qt and frameworks sdk snaps and I have agreed for the fact that security updates are near impossible when new versions are released. Conversation here:
And some exciting news – I have started the KF6 content pack! I am doing like above and I am using the qt6 content pack Jarred Wilson has made. This is a requirement to start the plasma snap. Progress can be tracked here: https://github.com/ScarlettGatelyMoore/kf6-snap
I am still have on on going request for snapcraft files in their respective repositories. While defending my request I have tested some options. Snapcraft files in the repository does allow for proper snap recipes in launchpad by mirroring the repo in launchpad -> create snap recipe. I created a recipe based on stable branch and it created and published the snap as expected.
After being pointed to the flatpak workflow I discovered snaps has a similiar store feature with github, however I will need to create a github repo for each snap, which is tempting. I want to avoid duplication of snapcraft files, but I guess this is what they do for flatpak? I never received an answer.
Snapcraft: Some more tidying of the qmake plugin and resolved some review conversations.
I am back to getting things in Debian proper, starting with the golang packages I was working on for bubble-gum a cool console beautification application. As each one passes through NEW I will keep uploading. I will be checking in with the qt-kde team to see what needs doing. I am looking into seeing if openvoices is still a viable replacement for mycroft, hopefully all that work isn’t wasted time.
And finally, I do hate having to ask, but as we quickly approach September, I have not come close to enough to pay my pesky bills, required to have a place to live and eat! I am seeking employment as a backup if my amazing project falls through. I tried to enable ads, but that broke my planet feeds, I can’t have that! So without further ado… Anything helps! Also please share! Thanks for your consideration.
IMPORTANT: I am still looking for a super awesome team lead for a super amazing project involving KDE and Snaps. Time is running out and well the KDE world will be a better a better place if this project goes through! I would like to clarify, this is a paid position! A current KDE developer would be ideal as it is a small team so your time will be split managing and coding alike. If you or anyone you know might be interested please contact me ASAP!
Snaps: I am wrapping up the 23.04.3 KDE applications release! Head on over to https://snapcraft.io/search?q=KDE and enjoy! We are now up to 180 snaps! PIM snaps will be slowly rolling in as they go through manual reviews for D-Bus.
Snapcraft: minor fix in qmake plugin found by ruff.
Launchpad: I almost have approval for per application repository snapcraft files, but I have to prove it will work to our benefit and not cause loads of polling etc. So I have been testing various methods of achieving such a task, and so far I have come up with launchpads ability to watch and download release tarballs into a project. I will then need to script getting the tarball and pushing it to a bzr branch from which I can create a proper snap recipe. Unfortunately, my proper snap recipe fails! Hopefully a very helpful cjwatson will chime in, or if anyone wants to take a gander please chime in here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/2031307
As reality sets in that my project may not happen if I don’t find anyone, I need help surviving until I find work or funding to continue my snap work ( still much to do! ) If you or anyone else you know enjoys our snaps please consider a donation, anything helps! Please share! Thank you for your consideration!
As mentioned last week, I am still looking for a super awesome team lead for a super amazing project involving KDE and Snaps. Time is running out and well the KDE world will be a better a better place if this project goes through! I would like to clarify, this is a paid position! A current KDE developer would be ideal as it is a small team so your time will be split managing and coding alike. If you or anyone you know might be interested please contact me ASAP!
On to snappy things I have achieved this week:
Most 23.04.3 is done, I am just testing them now. New applications: kmymoney ( Thanks Carlos! ), kde-dev-utils, and kxstitch ( Thanks Jeremy! )
With that said, I have seen on the internets –candidate channel apps being promoted. Please use this channel with utmost care as they are being tested and could quite possibly be very broken!
Still working on some QML issues with kirigami platform not found.
I have begun the launchpad build issues journey and have been kindly pointed to using snap recipes on launchpad so we aren’t doing public uploads which creates temporary recipes to build and cannot be bumped priority wise. So I have sent the request into the kde-devel arena to revisit having per repository snapcraft files ( rejected in the past ) as they do with flatpak files. So far I am getting positive feedback and hopefully this will go through. Once it does I can move forward with fully automating application new releases. Hooray!
This week I jumped into the xdg-desktop-portals rabbithole while working on https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473003 for neochat. After fixing it with adding plug password-manager-service I am told that auto-connect on that one is discouraged and the libsecret should work out of the box with portals. I found and joined just in time a snapcrafter google meet and we had a long conversation spitballing and testing our portal support. At least in Neon it appears to be broken. I now have some things to do and test to see that we get this functional. Most of our online apps are affected. For now though – snap connect neochat:password-manager-service :password-manager-service does work. Auto-connect was rejected as it exposes to much. Understandable.
I have started a new thread on the KDE forums for users to ask any questions, or let me know of any issues you may have related to snaps here: https://discuss.kde.org/t/all-things-snaps-questions-concerns-praise/4033 come join the conversation!
In the snapcraft arena I have fixed my PR for the much needed qmake plugin! This should be merged and rolled out in the very near future!
I would like to continue my hard work on snap things regardless of the project going through. Unfortunately, to do so, I must ask for donations as life isn’t free. I am working on self sufficiency but even that costs money to get started! KDE snaps are used by 1.7 million active devices! I do ask that if you use KDE snaps and find my work useful, or know someone that does, to please consider donating to keep my momentum going. There is still much work to be done with Qt6 rolling out. I would like to work on the KDE Plasma snap and KDE PIM suite of apps ( I have started on this ).
Even if you can’t help, please share! Thank you for your consideration! I have a new donation form for anyone that doesn’t like gofundme here:
It has been a very busy couple of weeks in the KDE snap world! Here is a rundown of what has been done:
Solved issues with an updated mesa in Jammy causing some apps to seg fault by rebuilding our content pack. Please do a snap refresh if this happens to you.
Resolved our scanner apps not finding any scanners. Skanlite and Skanpage now work as expected and find your scanners, even network scanners!
Fixed an issue with neochat/ruqola that relaunching the application just hangs https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/neochat-autoconnect-requests/36331 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473003 by allowing access to system password manager. Still working out online accounts ( specifically ubuntu-sso )
Fixed issues with QML and styles not being found or set in many snaps.
Helped FreeCAD update their snap to core22 ( while not KDE, they do use the kde-neon ext ) https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-snap/pull/92
New applications completed – Skrooge – Qrca – massif-visualizer
Updating applications to 23.04.3 – half way through – unfortunately our priority for launchpad builders is last so it is a bottleneck until I sort out how to get them to bump that up.
Updated our content pack to latest in snapcraft upstream for the kde-neon extension.
Various fixes to ease updating our snapcraft files with new releases ( to ease CI automated releases )
An update to the “Very exciting news coming soon”: While everything went well, it is not (yet!) happening. I do not have the management experience the stakeholders are looking for to run the project. I understand completely! I have the passion and project experience, just not management in this type of project. So with that said, are you a KDE/C++ developer with a management background and have a history of bringing projects to the finishline? Are you interested in an exciting new project with new technologies? Talk to me! I can be reached via sgmoore on the various chat channels, sgmoore at kde dot org, or connect via linkedin and message: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scarlettgatelymoore If you know anyone that might be interested, please point them here!
As this project gets further delayed, it leaves me without an income still. If you or someone you know has any short term contract work let me know. Pesky bills and life expenses don’t pay themselves 🙁 If you can spare some change ( anything helps ) please consider a donation. https://gofund.me/5d0691bc
A big thank you to the community for making my work possible thus far!
A big thank you goes out to the Ubuntu Community for making my attendance to the KDE Akademy 2023! This was a very successful conference for me. I had very positive feedback for my speech on “A million reasons why snaps are important. I also had a productive BoF on snapping KDE applications. Most importantly I got to catch up with many old and new friends and got to put faces to the new. There were so many great talks and BoFs, but one of my favorites was the Goals as all three compliment each other. The keynote was amazing, I had no idea open source has made its way into space! How cool is that!?! Despite the high temperatures ( something I am used to, but not that humidity! ) I had a wonderful time and was able to visit many cool sites in Greece. What an amazing place.
In the snap world I haven’t had much time this month as previous months as my part time gig doing them expired a few months ago and I had to focus on some paid work which has now run out. However, I did finish a new content pack containing KDE frameworks 5.108 and Qt 5.15.10 and most of KDE release applications 23.04.2. I also got Konsole working!
KDE Konsole snap
I have some fixes merged into snapcraft that will fix some strange build errors reported on the forums and for myself as well. I will be creating a new PR for the new content pack as soon as testing is complete.
We will have some very exciting news coming as soon as the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. Until then I must reach out to the community for help to “Keep the lights on” until more paid work comes in. If it wasn’t for all of you I couldn’t make all of this possible and I thank each and every one of you. This is the greatest software community ever!
Top on my TO-DO list is still PIM. There are many parts, making it more complex. I am working on it though. QT6/KF6 is making it’s way to the top of the list as well. KDE Neon has made significant progress here, so I am in early stages of updating our build scripts to generate our qt6/kf6 content snap.
Thanks for stopping by!
https://gofund.me/2c7b1808 All proceeds go to improving my ability to work. Thanks for your consideration!
I am finishing up the last of 23.04.0 snaps and will tackle KDE PIM suite next week. I will also work on more apps that have their own release cycle.
Several snap bugs have been resolved and closed! Please remember if you have issues, to file them at bugs.kde.org as I have a hard time finding them at <insert random forum / social network here>
On the Debian front, I successfully closed two CVE’s for ruby-rack in Buster! I will be doing more ELTS/LTS security updates next month!
Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoy my work, consider a dontation.