Step one: Dig! And more digging. Until you have a 4ft hole. Deep er is better, but for our needs it is enough.

Good management is always important to getting the job done. Thankfully Patch and Zucchini stepped up to the job and kept us working until completion!

My husband laughed at me and my scoop, but the shovels wiped me out fast, however, my little scoop I could do all day long! So I did help, one scoop at a time.

For the bottom we used an old trailer door and drilled holes in it for the cool air to get through.

I filled and he lifted these insanely heavy sandbags into place until it fully lined the hole.

We used an old desk top for the door. We still need to build a frame for the door once we get the parts from barter or trade for labor 🙂 It is functional as is, but the frame will ensure our critters don’t break open the sandbags.
Thanks for stopping by!
We accept donations to feed our management team of critters.