A big thank you goes out to the Ubuntu Community for making my attendance to the KDE Akademy 2023! This was a very successful conference for me. I had very positive feedback for my speech on “A million reasons why snaps are important. I also had a productive BoF on snapping KDE applications. Most importantly I got to catch up with many old and new friends and got to put faces to the new. There were so many great talks and BoFs, but one of my favorites was the Goals as all three compliment each other. The keynote was amazing, I had no idea open source has made its way into space! How cool is that!?! Despite the high temperatures ( something I am used to, but not that humidity! ) I had a wonderful time and was able to visit many cool sites in Greece. What an amazing place.
In the snap world I haven’t had much time this month as previous months as my part time gig doing them expired a few months ago and I had to focus on some paid work which has now run out. However, I did finish a new content pack containing KDE frameworks 5.108 and Qt 5.15.10 and most of KDE release applications 23.04.2. I also got Konsole working!

I have some fixes merged into snapcraft that will fix some strange build errors reported on the forums and for myself as well. I will be creating a new PR for the new content pack as soon as testing is complete.
We will have some very exciting news coming as soon as the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. Until then I must reach out to the community for help to “Keep the lights on” until more paid work comes in. If it wasn’t for all of you I couldn’t make all of this possible and I thank each and every one of you. This is the greatest software community ever!