KDE Gear 23.04.1 Snaps Released! Snapcraft updates and more.

Scarlett Gately Moore
Kweather Snap
Kweather Snap

I have completed the 23.04.1 KDE Gear applications release for snaps! With this release comes several new KDE Snaps!

  • Kweather
  • Krecorder
  • Kclock
  • Alligator
  • Ghostwriter
  • Kasts
  • Tokodon

Plus many long outdated / broken snaps are updated and or fixed!

Check them all out here:


I have been busy triaging and squashing bugs in regards to snaps on https://bugs.kde.org


Updated the kde-neon extension for the newest content pack.

Made a core22 qmake plugin with tests PR


Future work:

Top on my TO-DO list is still PIM. There are many parts, making it more complex. I am working on it though. QT6/KF6 is making it’s way to the top of the list as well. KDE Neon has made significant progress here, so I am in early stages of updating our build scripts to generate our qt6/kf6 content snap.

Thanks for stopping by!

https://gofund.me/2c7b1808 All proceeds go to improving my ability to work. Thanks for your consideration!